At CrowdSync, we are developing the tools you need to network efficiently and effortlessly. It has become increasingly difficult to grow one’s career. With the increased use of artificial intelligence and an ever growing competitive market, standing out or making meaningful connections are becoming more and more important to career success. Networking is a difficult skill, but CrowdSync aims to simplify it and help you reach your goals.

CrowdSync is a mobile app that lets users show who they are, what skills they have, and connect with others. Users can go to events such as conferences, company get-togethers, and public speaking events and quickly discover who is there. CrowdSync lets you search for those with similar interests, skills, backgrounds, and more! From there, we guide you through the initial connection and help you find each other in person with location discovery and pathing.

One of the key tools that CrowdSync brings to the networking space is post-event engagement. CrowdSync encourages post-event engagement with notifications, reminders of who you met with, what you discussed, and recommendations on how to meaningfully connect further. Instead of simply growing your social media follower count, CrowdSync aims to bring functionality to these connections.

CrowdSync also supports group discussions through sessions. Sessions help users connect under a shared topic of interest, through a temporary digital event space. Users can find each other within the sessions, chat, and organize.

CrowdSync can be utilized within the digital event space as well. Digital events can be streamed on our platform and allow users to live chat, but CrowdSync takes this one step further and brings the same search and connection tools from in person events to the digital event space as well. Users can have sessions within digital events, and find others with shared skill sets.